Credit Cards / Loan Products in India > Experian-Equifax

Local Credit History Check - Desi Way


The financier mainly sources customers through: (1) open market sourcing – by frequently visiting market places and commercial areas;
(2) important sources for referrals are: local pawn brokers and local mechanic/repair shops; (3) referrals from group business.

As less than 10% of the prospective customers are present on CIBIL, credit checks are conducted through personal visits / informal
investigations. These include: (1) visits to customer's house to gauge the living conditions and chats with neighbours; (2) chatting with the
local 'paanwala' (tobacco / cigarette store); (3) Local mechanics [All truckers invariably visit the mechanics frequently. Usually tyres and
sometimes even fuel is bought on credit. The mechanics can give good insight into the customer’s repayment intentions].


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