Author Topic: Axis Bank Personal loan Settlement  (Read 7309 times)

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Axis Bank Personal loan Settlement
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:39:59 PM »

I had a loan of 4 lakhs from axis bank in the years 2007 and i paid till 2009 and after that i couldnt manage to conitnue paying the  loan amount later. I wanted to coninue paying but unfortunately they asked me to pay double of wht i have to pay them.. and my actual principle of 1 laksh 20 thousand became 3 lakhs with check bounces and other other charges..

I am not trying to avoid my loan but wanted to clear it ... I am looking for a good deal with out this extra interest on the principal amount. please help me with right approach. i once tried appoaching bank but they said, its with legal department and couldnt take it further. Please help/suggest me with a right approach to get through.

my email id is

Thanks and Regards,
Kiran Kumar