International Pizza Brands Hired F&B Specialists to get a Lice of World's Largest Food Market. Here is what Food & Beverage market experts suggest that over the past 15 years, the acceptance of Pizza as a product amongst Indian consumers has been driven by the following characteristics:
Taste: By altering the toppings on a pizza, players in this market have been able to cater to the palate of the Indian consumer whilst offering what looks like a global cuisine.
Ingredients: The ingredients for pizza - flour, cheese, sauce and toppings – are similar to the combination of bread, vegetables, yogurt and pickle which form a part of the staple Indian cuisine
Eating style: Pizza brands have been able to push this product in the market as a ‘finger food’ i.e. which can be eaten without the use of a fork and knife, making it comfortable for the Indian consumer
Home delivery: Pizza as a home-delivery product does not get soggy (unlike burgers), stays hot for at least 15 minutes in the box, and can be shared easily amongst a group of people