Wipro tops in global MAKE award 2007

Wipro Technologies, the global IT services vertical of the company has informed us that it has been recognized for the second time as a winner of the 2007 global MAKE award and was ranked first in the information technology sector in creating an environment for collaborative knowledge sharing and creating a learning organization categories, thereby delivering value based on customer knowledge MAKE stands for most admired knowledge enterprises and the awards were established in 1998.

The MAKE Winners are chosen by a panel of fortune 500 business executives and leading knowledge management and intellectual capital experts after an initial short-listing based on nominations by the panel. The global MAKE study recognizes organizations which are world leaders in creating shareholder wealth by transforming new as well as existing enterprise knowledge and intellectual capital into superior products / services / solutions.

Wipro Technologies has also won the 2007 Asian MAKE award, fifth time in a row, which was presented in a glittering ceremony in the world knowledge forum held at Seoul, South Korea. In addition, Wipro Technologies also received the 2007 Indian MAKE award third time in a row in KM India 2007.