Shankar Sharma A Global Chameleon

It was another day blood bath on the street – Day of Rumors, Losses and continued selling from Foreign Institutions. If you are sticking to VALUE INVESTING, then you don’t see the PANIC button. However, if you have been speculating, let Lord save you.

CNBC TV-18 which rose to fame with rising market and its worthless reporters have some Global Chameleons as hosts – presenting Shankra Sharma of First Global. His views as reported by CNBC-TV18 on 26th Sept-07,

Our view is that India is headed for a market situation in the next six months time wherein we will see index levels get taken out successively. I would be surprised if the index doesn’t hit between 25,000 and 30,000 in the next six-nine months time.

This same person today says that the markets can go down by another 20%.

I see a journey back to levels, which will approach four digits rather than remain five digits. It may or may not get there, but you will definitely get very close to those levels. By the middle of the year, we should be trading closer to those levels ‑ 20% lower rather than 20% higher.

What i don’t understand is, what changed in the Indian economy so drastically that Shankar Sharma has become a Big Bear from Big Bull ? Kindly ignore these biased CNBC-TV18 hosts/guests and their opinions.

You may have noticed in every article that is being posted on this site, we quote expected EPS, EBITDA other factors that are very critical in deciding to hold, buy or sell the stock. If you don’t understand, then Mutual Funds is the place for you to be. No Kidding, if you are here to make BIG MONEY in long term, be disciplined and you will make it 🙂

4 thoughts on “Shankar Sharma A Global Chameleon

  1. The person speaks nonsense with complete confidence. The comments are without any logic.His attitude shows disdain for the market. He is a useless chameleon.

  2. markets are dynamic in nature and therefore what said 6 months back may not hold true today as dynamics of the financial markets changed unexpectedly so fast in last few months that even the best of the brains couldnt thought that so many big banks and financial institutions will go belly up virtually overnight.he is very intelligent and a learned man and ofcourse more analytical than most of the so called bulls of indian equity markets.

  3. I am very sceptical about the breed of analysts. But what I have found is there are few people worth listening to. And Shankar Sharma is one of them along with Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. Do some searches and you will find Shankar actually revised his opinion about the bull run and predicted a bear run immediately after the interview that is mentioned here. Remember the markets are very dynamic and we should give them some elobw room.
    There are very few who are trustworthy and have the audacity to call a spade a spade, Shankar and Rakesh are one of them.

    Edward G

  4. Shankar Sharma is a CROOK. A BIG CROOK. Remember Himachal Futuristic. This man counts Ketan Parekh as a close friend.

    Birds of a feather flock together. So do Shankar Sharma and Ketan Parekh.

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